

This oil comes from olives grown in a territory tough for olive cultivation, with very cold spells in winter and hot, dry summers; this is why the olives never completely ripen and the resultant oil has an intense aroma of olive, fresh grass and artichoke. In any case, every time Chianti Classico DOP olive oil is bottled the producer is obliged to have chemical and organoleptic testing done that establishes whether it possesses the characteristics set down in production regulations. For example, from the chemical standpoint, the DOP must have certain parameters within specific limits that are improvements over the parameters set for a nonDOP extra-virgin olive oil.

Chianti Classico DOP Olive Oil
Sensory Characteristics


  • Chemical characteristics

    • Acidity (expressed in oleic acid): max. 0.5%;
    • Number of peroxides: max. 12 (mEq of oxygen);
    • Extinction at ultraviolet K232: max. 2.1 and K270: max. 0.2;
    • High oleic acid content: 72%;
    • Total CMP (phenolic anti-oxidants (method used by the experimental station for the oils and fats industry): more than 150 ppm;
    • Total tocopherols (vitamin E): more than 140 ppm
  • Sensory characteristics

    • Color: from deep green to green with gold nuances;
    • Aroma: clearly olive and fruity.
      1. olive-fruity 2-8;
      2. grass and leaves 0-6;
      3. bitter 1-8;
      4. spicy 1-8;
      5. pine nut, almond 0-5;
      6. ripe fruit 0-2.
    • The presence of defects is prohibited (defect median = 0);
    • Fruity median > 0